Thursday, June 10, 2010

4 a.m....

nape entry ni 4 a.m???
sbb skang ni da pkul 4:12 a.m..(jam kat lappy laa)
*hey awk..prlu ke tlis awk tgok jam katne??* xtido ag...
knape xtido ag??da pg da ni..
time2 camni..ade org da bgn nk g kje da pon..
tp sy??? xtido ag..
sy suspek sy de insomnia laa..
tp,btol ke??bhaye ke pnykit tu??
so..untuk ilangkan kcurigaan ni..
sy pon,ngan serta mrta search prkataan insomnia kat tenet..
then,kat bwh ni sy de la copy & paste pe yg sy search td n sdikit ksmpulan yg sy wat sal mslh sy ni..
so..moh le kite bace sesame..
arap2 pe yg ade kat bwh ni leh la bg infrmation sket n tlong korang yg de prblem ni gak..heee~~~~

Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both" and it may be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. Insomnia is not defined by a specific number of hours of sleep that one gets, since individuals vary widely in their sleep needs and practices. Although most of us know what insomnia is and how we feel and perform after one or more sleepless nights, few seek medical advice.
:::::: insomnia ni bkan sjenis pnyakit..fuhh..lega sket:::::::::

  • Jet lag (isy,xde nek flight pon)
  • Changes in shift work(erk???sy kje ke??)
  • Excessive or unpleasant noise(snyi sepi je ni haaaa..bnyi jam tik tok tik tok de r)
  • Uncomfortable room temperature (ok jep...kipas da bkak..selesa sgt ni)
  • Stressful situations in life  (perlu ke sy stress time2 cuti cenggini??xkot..bhagia ade laa)
  • Presence of an acute medical or surgical illness or hospitalization(smnjak 2 mnjak xdemam ni,xde mkn ubt kot..n da lme sy xdemam)
  • Withdrawal from drug, alcohol, sedative, or stimulant medications( pe sy nk amek dadah???)
  • Insomnia related to high altitude(sy kat gunung ke nih??rata je nih)
:::::::da tu..kalo kat atas ni sume xde kaitan ngan sy..sebab ape r??sbb da biase sgt tdo lmbt kot..da brubah jam biologi..maybe la kan...heee~~:::::::


  • Avoid or limit your use of caffeine,decongestants, alcohol and tobacco.(sy mnum nscafe o ais ble sy bgn tido jep..bleh x??)
  • Exercise regularly, but don't exercise within a few hours before going to bed.( yg lomah kpalo lutuy den ni haa..bab2 exrcise mmg malas..heee)
  • Find ways to reduce or manage the stress in your life.(urm..ok..nnti ble sy stress,sy akn reduce..skang sy xstress...weeee)
  • Don't lie in bed worrying about things. Set aside another time just for worrying. For example, spend 30 minutes after dinner writing down what's worrying you and what you can do about it.(owh...ea???patutlaaa..sbb asal sy nk tdo jek,msti sy pkir sal prblem xley tido sy ni)
  • Try eating a light snack before going to bed, but don't eat too much right before bedtime. A glass of warm milk or some cheese and crackers may be all you need.(err..mnum susu mlm2??xgemok ke nnti??)
  • Don't nap during the day if naps seem to make your insomnia worse.(ishhh...mne de..xkan la sy nk tido bgn tdo pon da pkul bape..opssss...)

okeh..pasni,sy nk try la amalkn tips2 tu sket..

  • sy nk try bgn awal..*erk???leh ke awk tu??*msti boleh..sbb kalo sy bgn awal,mybe sy akn rase ngntuk cpt mlm tu..
  • nk mnum susu sblom nk kne g bli susu la ni..adoiyai~~..
  • sblom tido..xnk dah pkir sal prblem xley tido nih..kosong pkiran..lalalalaala~~.
  • nk exrcise la..p,nk exrcise katne??lam umah bley??
arap2...pasni ley la sy tdo ngan betol..risau gak ni..kalo da still cmni smpai bkak sem nnti..
knfrm2 la...dwan kuliah tu jd blek tdo sy...heeheheheh~~~

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